Uniform OrderingUniforms and merchandise can be viewed and ordered through our supplier Vayda.
When ordering, please be sure to check the sizing guides to ensure best fit as there is no exchange for incorrect sizes ordered. Please select postage or Vayda pickup when you place your order. Vayda can place your order in their letterbox for collection if you cannot collect during their business hours listed below: Vayda Sport 17 Shields Cresent, Booragoon M-Th 9am-3pm Fri 9am -12.30pm Website Uniforms and merchandise have a ~5 week turnaround time.
Second-Hand UniformsIf you are interested in purchasing second hand uniforms or have uniforms you would like to sell, please visit our Tingara Buy and Sell Facebook page and request to join.
Uniform Co-ordinatorOur Uniform Coordinator is Molly Seabrooke. You can contact her on [email protected] for more information.