Tingara Training Commences!
Hi Players and Parents
We all can't wait to see you getting back on court for training from next Monday, 25 May!
Your coach will be in touch with you soon to touch base and let you know details of your training time.
In preparation for getting back on court, we have to make sure we follow some rules related to COVID 19.
First and most importantly, if you are sick, feel unwell, or have a cough, sore throat, fever, fatigue or shortness of breath then don't come to training, seek medical attention and let your coach know!
In this phase of training (hopefully for a few weeks only) all training is non contact. We can use balls and markers, but have to maintain a 1.5 metre distance between each other at all times (double the normal obstruction distance to be safe!). Your coaches will adjust drills, but all of you need to make sure you're doing the right thing!
Each team will be assigned a half or full court for training in this phase. Please stay in that zone for the whole of your training session. You may want to chat to your mates from other teams, but you'll have to catch up outside netball for now.
All players and coaches from one session will need to have left the courts prior to any players and coaches from the next session entering. If you arrive ahead of time, can you please stay in your cars until the time your session is due to start. There will be a gap in sessions to allow for this, but once training finishes, it will be important to try and leave within 10 minutes.
At Brentwood Primary, please only enter and exit the courts through the gates next to the car park. In this phase of training, no spectators are allowed. Unfortunately this means no parents are allowed inside the gates at Brentwood in this phase. Similarly at Fremantle, parents are requested to please remain away from the court area for the duration of training.
It is important to make sure you have gone to the toilet, packed your labelled water bottle, applied your strapping, have your training clothes and shoes on and be ready to go before you get to training.
You will need to use hand sanitiser before and after training. Your coach will give you this.
Essentially all the rules of hygiene and social distancing that we have been practising in the community are relevant for netball training. All committee members, coaches and managers are required to complete the COVID 19 infection control online module, which the club will record. It takes about 15 minutes to complete and is a worthwhile reminder of our responsibilities. We suggest it's worth all players and parents completing too. If you forward the certificate to your coach, it may well get you a head start in the True Sport award!
The link is: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covid-19-infection-control-training
Netball WA and the Australian and WA government strongly recommend the downloading and use of the COVIDSafe app throughout the netball community to assist with tracking of close contacts if COVID presents in the WA netball community.
Tingara will be compliant with all Netball WA and WA state government requirements.
For more detailed information, Netball WA has a return to netball section in the COVID 19 update which can be followed from their home page: https://wa.netball.com.au/
The frequently asked questions page is of particular relevance: https://wa.netball.com.au/sites/wa/files/2020-05/NWA2020_Return%20to%20Community%20Netball_FAQs.pdf
As previously advised, Fremantle Netball Association is working toward a Saturday competition start date of June 27. This would allow a 10 qualifying game and 2 round final series to be completed before the end of September. All information will be communicated as early as possible.
See you on the Courts!
Tingara Management Committee
We all can't wait to see you getting back on court for training from next Monday, 25 May!
Your coach will be in touch with you soon to touch base and let you know details of your training time.
In preparation for getting back on court, we have to make sure we follow some rules related to COVID 19.
First and most importantly, if you are sick, feel unwell, or have a cough, sore throat, fever, fatigue or shortness of breath then don't come to training, seek medical attention and let your coach know!
In this phase of training (hopefully for a few weeks only) all training is non contact. We can use balls and markers, but have to maintain a 1.5 metre distance between each other at all times (double the normal obstruction distance to be safe!). Your coaches will adjust drills, but all of you need to make sure you're doing the right thing!
Each team will be assigned a half or full court for training in this phase. Please stay in that zone for the whole of your training session. You may want to chat to your mates from other teams, but you'll have to catch up outside netball for now.
All players and coaches from one session will need to have left the courts prior to any players and coaches from the next session entering. If you arrive ahead of time, can you please stay in your cars until the time your session is due to start. There will be a gap in sessions to allow for this, but once training finishes, it will be important to try and leave within 10 minutes.
At Brentwood Primary, please only enter and exit the courts through the gates next to the car park. In this phase of training, no spectators are allowed. Unfortunately this means no parents are allowed inside the gates at Brentwood in this phase. Similarly at Fremantle, parents are requested to please remain away from the court area for the duration of training.
It is important to make sure you have gone to the toilet, packed your labelled water bottle, applied your strapping, have your training clothes and shoes on and be ready to go before you get to training.
You will need to use hand sanitiser before and after training. Your coach will give you this.
Essentially all the rules of hygiene and social distancing that we have been practising in the community are relevant for netball training. All committee members, coaches and managers are required to complete the COVID 19 infection control online module, which the club will record. It takes about 15 minutes to complete and is a worthwhile reminder of our responsibilities. We suggest it's worth all players and parents completing too. If you forward the certificate to your coach, it may well get you a head start in the True Sport award!
The link is: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covid-19-infection-control-training
Netball WA and the Australian and WA government strongly recommend the downloading and use of the COVIDSafe app throughout the netball community to assist with tracking of close contacts if COVID presents in the WA netball community.
Tingara will be compliant with all Netball WA and WA state government requirements.
For more detailed information, Netball WA has a return to netball section in the COVID 19 update which can be followed from their home page: https://wa.netball.com.au/
The frequently asked questions page is of particular relevance: https://wa.netball.com.au/sites/wa/files/2020-05/NWA2020_Return%20to%20Community%20Netball_FAQs.pdf
As previously advised, Fremantle Netball Association is working toward a Saturday competition start date of June 27. This would allow a 10 qualifying game and 2 round final series to be completed before the end of September. All information will be communicated as early as possible.
See you on the Courts!
Tingara Management Committee